Transaction Summary 01 Jul 2020 - 30 Jun 2021 SHARES - 6565400 - HIN 82434364 DANYUSHEVSKY SMSF PTY LTD No data available ,,,,,,,,,Total Buys (inc. Brokerage + GST),"0.0000" ,,,,,,,,,Total Sells (inc. Brokerage + GST),"0.0000" "The transaction summary is only able to display information available to us. Transactions regarding corporate actions or stock transfers are not included and can be found on your statements as issued by the company or the share registry. Transactions for Issuer Sponsored holdings placed through alternative Brokers or the Share Registry are also not included in this summary. Links to some of the key share registries can be found below: Computershare ( Link Market Services ( Security Transfer Registrars ( Advanced Share Registry Services (" "DISCLAIMER" "This statement relates to Westpac Online Investing share trading activities which are provided through Westpac Securities Limited ABN 39 087 924 221, AFSL 233723 ("Westpac Securities") by Australian Investment Exchange Limited ABN 71 076 515 930, AFSL 241400 ("the Participant"), a participant of the ASX Group and Chi-X Australia." "Information contained in this statement is believed to be accurate at the time the statement is generated. Westpac Securities and its related entities do not accept any liability for any errors or omissions contained in this statement, or any responsibility for any action taken in reliance on this statement. This statement is a summary document only and it is not intended to replace any document which contains information that may be required for taxation purposes. It does not constitute tax advice.Although we can give you information about your accounts, we are unable to give you tax advice. If you need more information to complete your tax return, please consult your accountant or tax adviser to obtain professional tax advice.You should retain your CHESS statements, dividend statements, confirmation contract notes and bank account statements for income tax purposes.If there are any errors in this statement, please contact us on 13 13 31 (within Australia) or +61 2 8241 0208 (outside Australia), Monday to Friday between 8am and 7pm (AEST)." "GLOSSARY","" "Units","The number of registered securities that you own." "Unit Price","The Portfolio Valuation 'Unit Price' is calculated using a 'Reference' Price provided by the ASX which takes into account an adjustment to determine value at Close of Market if the Security does not trade in the Closing Single Price Auction on the Valuation Date. The Unit Price in the Transaction Summary is the average price paid for each unit of stock as detailed in your contract note." "Brokerage","The fee or charge that is paid by you when transacting a buy or sell." "Holder Identification Number (HIN)","When you are CHESS sponsored with a Broker you will be issued a unique number, called a HIN. Multiple holdings can be registered under the single HIN. A HIN starts with the letter X and usually followed by 10 numbers, e.g. X0001234567." "Dividend","A dividend is a payment made to shareholders from the company. This payment is a portion of the company's profits. ASX listed companies typically pay dividends twice a year, usually as an 'interim' dividend and a 'final dividend'. From time to time, a company may also pay a 'special' dividend." "Ex-dividend date","The ex-dividend date occurs two business days before the company's Record Date. To be entitled to a dividend a shareholder must have purchased the shares before the ex-dividend date. If you purchase shares on or after that date, the previous owner of the shares (and not you) is entitled to the dividend." "Interim dividend","A dividend paid during a year representing a return based on the previous six months' financial performance and the outlook for the future." "Final dividend","A dividend paid during a year representing a return based on the previous twelve months' financial performance." "Special dividend","A dividend paid by the company outside typical recurring (interim and final) dividend cycle." "Record date","The record date is the date the share registries use in determining who is entitled to a dividend or entitlement associated with a security. Those who held the security in the company and were on the register on the record date are eligible for the entitlement." "Payment date","The date on which a declared dividend is scheduled to be paid." "Unfranked dividend","Dividends which do not carry a franking credit." "Franked dividend","Franked dividends are paid to security holders out of profits on which the company has already paid tax." "Franking /Imputation Credit","A franking credit is your share of tax paid by a company on the profits from which your dividend are paid. They are also known as Imputation Credits." "Total subscriptions","Total subscriptions can include, but are not limited to:Trader Pro fees, Morningstar research subscription fees and trading alerts." "Other fees","Other fees can include, but are not limited to: Off market transfer fees, conditional trading fees (added as brokerage), rejection fees, early and late settlement fees, fail fees, SRN query, rebooking fees, cheque payment fee or cheque dishonour fees and the printing and posting of contract notes." "Corporate action (CA)","Any action initiated by the company or corporation, for the purpose of giving an entitlement to shareholders."